dance on philly cosmo baker

Dance On Philly rocks The Fillmore

Dance on Philly is a six hour, live, on-air “cross between Soul Train, Dancing on Air and TikTok” dance party hosted by Lauren Hart, and spun by DJ Cosmo Baker.

So far, in 2020, I have spoken to Andy Blackman Hurwitz from his perch as the manager of/guru to Philly’s Swift Technique and its teaming with Lady Alma for “Don’t Sweat the Technique,” and in his role as initiator/curator of the COVID-charity driven LOVE FROM PHILLY Virtual Music Festival for local musicians. This week, however, Hurwitz, the Executive Director of 30Amp Circuit is all dance and no talk (OK, that’s not strictly true as Hurwitz is always up to talking) for November 14th’s Dance On Philly marathon.

dance on philly

Calling the event “a cross between Soul Train, Dancing on Air and TikTok,” the live on-air, six-hour dance party is hosted by Lauren Hart, spun by DJ Cosmo Baker, and livestreams from The Fillmore Philadelphia in Port Fishington – all for the charitable good of local performance-based organizations such as Dancing Classrooms Philly and Musicopia. 

“After the success of Love From Philly I was approached by Musicopia and Dancing Classrooms Philly asking for help on their fall Fundraiser which, along with all public gatherings, was canceled,” starts Hurwitz, talking about locals providing music and dance education to thousands of Philadelphia area school children each year.

cosmo baker
Cosmo Baker

“With the livestreams of concerts flooded, we started to look to other mediums from which to base a virtual event that would have folks participating instead of passively viewing. I was so inspired by the Twitch DJ events that had popped up during this COVID time – especially those by Rich Medina and Cosmo – and wanted to expand upon that premise and try and take it out of their bedrooms and into a more elaborate production like the one we have planned for the Fillmore.”

rich medina
Rich Medina

Considering that Philly started dancing hard on the Saturday afternoon that Trump lost the election and hasn’t stopped since, everything from the Cabbage Patch to the Mummers Strut is on full display – if not literally, figuratively.

“Dancing is so universal and something that can still be done and shared and experienced together and we ultimately thought that it would be a great platform to bring the city together,” notes Hurwitz. “From the get-go, our themes for the event were Connection and Community and we also wanted to plant the flag for an event that would be uniquely Philly and something that could be replicated in person when this Pandemic ends.”

Hurwitz says in regard to all things safety and pandemic-drive, that there are “crazy socially distanced different entrances for all people: the dancers go to The Foundry atop the Fillmore, hosts go to the backstage area, production people march in the back. “Everyone is totally separate and the number of people at Fillmore is limited,” he says.

During Dance On Philly, a rotating group of dancers, created by DOP’s Artistic Director Kimberly Landle will move and groove with the entire show being beamed out live from the Fillmore with a dozen different ways that you can watch, participate and pay in.

“You can sign up to experience DOP in a virtual club experience – Club Inclusion – a zoom room, custom decorated – you can go through the main dance floor (1000 people capacity) or reserve a private zoom room where you enter the Club through a super cool entrance and then find your private room.”

dance on philly

Go to for more info, times, costs and more.

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