Unwanted Gift Swap

Unwanted Gift Swap at Dock Street


Dock Street Brewing Company is turning unwanted gifts into unforgettable experiences at the Unwanted Gift Swap.

The Unwanted Gift Swap event, taking place at Dock Street Fishtown on January 4th from 5 pm to 8 pm, offers a chance to exchange your undesired gifts for something more appealing. This event is completely free to attend, so you can embrace the spirit of giving and receiving without breaking the bank. You can pay as you go for any food, beers, mocktails and cocktails that you decide to indulge in.

Dock Street Fishtown has planned a series of swap events over the upcoming months, including a Board Game Swap on February 1st, a Clothing Swap on March 7th, and a Plant Swap on April 4th.

Who said the gift giving season was over?

Unwanted Gift Swap

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